

ANP invites people to Public Consultation and Hearing on biodiesel mixture content

The National Agency of Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) published notice of Public Consultation and Hearing nº 18/2012 in the Diário Oficial da União, which is based on the Resolution of Directory nº 1041, from October 24th, 2012. The Hearing will be held at the Central Office of ANP, on Rio Branco Av. 65, 13º floor, downtown, Rio de Janeiro, to obtain subsides and additional information on the Resolution Protocol that proposes alteration on Resolution ANP nº 33, from October 30th 2007, which speaks about the compulsory minimum percentage of biodiesel, according to Law nº 11.097, from January 13rd 2005, that shall be contracted before auctions for the acquisition of biodiesel which will be achieved by the ANP.

The exhibitors’ registrations who are interested in speaking during the hearing must be accomplished  until 17 hours on December 5th 2012, by means of specific form available on ANP’s site and submitted to the following electronic address: or through fax 21 2112-8709 or directly in one of the protocols. The Resolution protocol of this hearing will be available on this site as well.

The identification of the registered exhibitors and others will be achieved before the celebration opening. In order to optimize the logistics of the event, the registered exhibitors who intend to make their presentation by using computing resources must send a copy of it to the ANP until 5:00 pm on September 7th 2012. First, a representative of each entity and people from the audience will be allowed to manifest. All manifestations will be electronically registered to preserve their contents integrity and its maximum use as subside to the improvement of the regulatory act to be issued.

The objective of the Public Consultation is to make easy to economic agents and other interested ones to give their opinions and suggestions. The term of this consultation is 30 days from the date of this note published in the Diário Oficial da União, where the beginning day was not included in the due term. Suggestions and comments form will be available on the site of ANP (above).