Schedule ESG


Social Biofuel Seal

selo socialBe8 was one of the first biodiesel producing companies in the country to receive the grant of the Social Biofuel Seal. It has a close relationship with Family Agriculture, from which it acquires a minimum percentage of family raw materials (a percentage that varies according to the region of Brazil, for example, Southern Region: minimum 40% of raw materials must be purchased from Family Agriculture). Through partnerships, it develops programs of alternative cultures, with emphasis on the work carried out for the canola culture, as well as actions to promote and support diversification in the Northeast region of Brazil. The objective is to strengthen Family Agriculture from the participation of farmers in the program, in addition to opportunities for diversification actions in family properties. With this policy, the company assists in complementing the income of smallfarmers and contributes to their permanence in the field, thus guaranteed the participation of family thus, the participation of the Family Agriculture of the region, in the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB).

The Social Biofuel Seal was created to guarantee family farmers the opportunity to participate in the country's biofuels market. The Seal is only granted to biodiesel producers who prove that they are promoting social inclusion and regional development. To do so, they need to comply with some rules and comply with some obligations to the family farmer and/or the family cooperative, which are:


- Enter into contracts with family farmers, with agricultural cooperatives (family agriculture with legal or qualified DAP), and with cereal ists, and cooperatives and cereal ists are characterized as intermediate agents qualified according to current legislation. These contracts must be signed prior to acquisitions, and within specific deadlines, depending on the culture, according to current legislation and guaranteed proof of priority;

- Ensure free technical assistance to farmers, either directly or via technical teams of Family Cooperatives and / or cereal farmers;

- Train family farmers for the production of oilseeds directly or in conjunction with family cooperatives and/or cereal companies with which the company has contracts for the purchase and sale of family raw materials;

- Acquire a minimum percentage of raw material from family farming (p. e.: 40% in southern Brazil).



They are characterized as family farmers:

Who has an area of up to four fiscal modules;

They have active and valid DAP (Pronaf Aptitude Statement of Aptitude);

To be represented by a Family Farming entity.



In the period of agroclimatic zoning of the crop, the farmer must attend the Family cooperative and/or cerealist with which he negotiates grains or other raw materials to contract his production. To do so, it is necessary to bring a copy of the Declaration of Aptitude to PRONAF, which can be issued by the Unions or Emater, and keep your registration updated with the cooperative and/or cerealist.

Throughout the year, agronomists and/or agricultural technicians of cooperatives and cereal where the family farmer negotiates their production will be monitoring the crops, through technical visits to the property. A report will be issued with considerations and guidelines at each visit.

After the harvest of the crop, the planning of the next year/harvest of the entire family farmer's property is carried out.