

Antônio Roso: a story marked by entrepreneurship

At noon on Monday (20), at Salão Pérola of the Clube Comercial of Passo Fundo a large audience honored the speech about entrepreneurship made by the President of the Management Council of BSBIOS and Metasa Antônio Roso. The activity was promoted by the Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas of Passo Fundo (CDL).

The Mayor of Passo Fundo Airton Lângaro Dipp, the President of the Chamber of Councilmen Luiz Miguel Scheis, the President of the CDL Roberto Estivallet, the President of the Associação Comercial, Industrial, de Serviços e Agropecuária de Passo Fundo (ACISA) Aido Fante, the President of the Sincomércio Sueli Marini, the President of the Rural Union João Batista Fernandes Silveira, among others authorities participated in this meeting.

Antônio Roso began his speech talking about his life story. He talked about how his professional activity really began. "I wanted to be independent and then I convinced my father to lend me a truck, but unfortunately, I had an accident and consequently some sequelae. Therefore, I got over it and moved on and bought a bar. The business was not successful, then I started to observe other places which were always crowded and realized that everything needed to be changed, from furniture to service, and this made my competitor move. I also had a movie theater. But I wanted to go farther, I realized that the sector of metallurgy was the right path, then I decided to go on" he stated.

Roso told that persistence and entrepreneurship teaching resulting from his mother, Amábile, made him to build Metasa in Marau, which is currently 35 years old. Later, I would invest in the construction of BSBIOS, in Passo Fundo. "The industry of Biodiesel was a project which we began by visualizing the opportunity the Federal Government was providing. There was encouragement to the production of biofuels and we observed that this time, the issue was serious, what did not happened with other projects like alcohol," he emphasized. He also said that "incentives from public bodies are important to attract private investments, and that municipal managers have not provided benefits to any businessman, but to the town, BSBIOS is the proof of it since it managed to return all investment the town in six years."

At the end of the lecture Mayor Airton Dipp handed a trophy to honor Antônio Roso. Dipp thanked him for the support to bring Manitowoc to Passo Fundo. "When they were choosing the town to install the company they went to BSBIOS where they were told that the City Hall meets its duties. This was important to make the decision about the town," the Mayor stated.

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