

Biodiesel producers honor ex-president Lula

Ex-president is considered as the patron of biodiesel in Brazil




The Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil - APROBIO and the Brazilian Union of Biodiesel and Biokerosene (UBRABIO) honor ex-president of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on Thursday (8/2), who is considered as the patron of biodiesel in the country.

It was his government the creator of the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB), with the market design and prediction of its time expansion, and this might happen now since the new regulatory mark for the sector has been sent to the National Congress.

The path of the introduction of biodiesel in the Brazilian energetic matrix had the effective participation of President Dilma Roussef, as she was the Chief of Staff of Lula's government.

It was also during Lula's government that Rural Development Ministry (MDA) created the Social Fuel Stamp, included in the scope of PNPB, to the benefit of more than 100 thousand families of small farmers. The Stamp is provided to plants that purchase, at least, 30% of raw-material from family agriculture organized in cooperatives.

Today, Brazil produces around 2.7 billion liters of biodiesel per year, this employs 1.3 million people, with investments superior to R$ 4 billion of an industrial park consisted of more than 60 plants. The country is the largest consumer of biofuel in the world and competes with Germany the third position in production. The event will be held at Mercure Grand Hotel, in São Paulo.



Photo: Lula at the launching of BSBIOS keystone in Passo Fundo