Bonus value for family agriculture soybean is defined

The bônus value for soybean acquired by family agriculture company was defined in a meeting at the headquarter of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Passo Fundo, and it counted on the participation of representatives of FETAG, Trade Unions of the region and BSBIOS industry. At the meeting several issues related to biodiesel production were discussed and after negotiations, the made an agreement on payment of a unique bonus value in Brazilian currency, the real, regardless market price of soybean for crop 2008/2009 that is commencing the crop, established in R$ 0,80 (eighty cents) per sack of soybean to family farmer. The payment will be accomplished before contract approval and with the consent of the unions, but it can also be made directly with BSBIOS through direct sales or through Cooperatives that own the Juridical DAP.

The agreement that establishes the bonus occurs because of the incentives of the Federal Government on biodiesel which exempts part of COFINS and PIS charged on biodiesel commercialization. This incentive had a significant reduction in the end of year 2008 due to the reduction of aliquots of PIS and COFINS.

The director of operations of BSBIOS, Erasmo C. Battistella, says that the bonus payment is an action of the industry to fulfill criteria established in order to receive the social stamp and that the law does not makes the payment of bonus compulsory for the company, but because of agreements have been achieved with the federation the bonus payment has been accomplished to producers. Besides, BSBIOS fulfills all norms of the stamp including family agriculture, support in technical assistance, purchase of raw material and diversification of crops with incentive to canola and sunflower planting.