

BSBIOS acquired 14 units that belonged to Adubos Coxilha

IMG_3802.JPG On Thursday (02/28), in the auditorium of BSBIOS, in Passo Fundo (RS), the company announced the acquisition of 14 units that belonged to Adubos Coxilha in the North region of Rio Grande do Sul state. From this action, the company begins to count on 18 service stations to the farmer, in order to maintain customers and make the production transportation easier.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasized how important the fulfillment of this business is. “This initiative is important for us to have more raw material available to process throughout the year to improve our logistics, counting on more units and a terminal in Passo Fundo to receive and dispatch all kind of cereals and fertilizers, to be closer to the farmers, that is, family farmers mainly. Yet, to enlarge and diversify our economic activities with the sale of fertilizers and pesticides as well,” he asserted.

The chief financial officer of BSBIOS, Roberto Becker, highlighted that this verticalization is a strategic step. “Doing this business with Adubos Coxilha means taking a step forward, in terms of wealth generation for the region and the company’s consolidation,” said Becker. He also emphasizes that with new technological alternatives and with the concern towards the environment, this movement BSBIOS has achieving in agro-energy business, means going from the field to the service station, means fulfilling all business cycle through the sustainability of the company.

BSBIOS increases its variety of crops beyond soybean and canola. It will also receive maize, wheat and barley, reaching approximately 10 thousand family farmers, with static capacity to receive from 430 thousand tons of grains. The company will still produce seeds of barley, wheat and soybean in the unit of Lagoa Vermelha. It is estimated that the annual turnover of the new business will be 300 million.

To the Commercial director of Adubos Coxilha, Gilberto Borgo, the fulfillment of this business is very important. “We are calm and pleased because we are absolutely sure that BSBIOS will continue to provide support to the producers”, emphasized Borgo.

The collaborators who have worked at the units will continue to work at the same locals as collaborators of Group BSBIOS, besides the generation of around 1000 indirect jobs.

Battistella highlights that the renewable energy was the great new of agribusiness in the last 20 years. He emphasizes that company started to use slogan “The energy that comes from the field”,

The following reception units will integrate the net of BSBIOS, to wit: Valinhos in Passo Fundo, Água Santa, Três Pinheiro in Sananduva, Muitos Capões, Capão Bonito do Sul, Lagoa Vermelha, Esmeralda, Tapejara, Capo-Erê in Erechim, Sertão, Charrua, Rio Telha in Ibiaça, Engenho Grande in Água Santa and Vila Lângaro. The company also owns units in Caseiros, Cruzaltinha in Ciríaco, and Boqueirão and Distrito Industrial in Passo Fundo.