VoltarBSBIOS and Cotrijal reaffirm partnership for Canola production
Growth of the vegetable oil crop begins on April 11th
Last Wednesday (03), BSBIOS received in its industrial unit the direction board, managers and technicians of Cooperative Cotrijal. The objective of the meeting was to strengthen ties between both companies, besides presenting the Program of Canola Production and the policy of commercialization for 2012.
To the chairman of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, Cotrijal is a strong partner. "We are present in the action area of the cooperative, with relation to the purchase of soybean as well as the improvement of canola, and in this winter crop we reaffirm our commitment with this cooperative that is an example of efficiency and excellence in our state," he asserted. He still emphasized that the company, as a crop foster, join efforts together with institutions, entities and associations for the development of Canola.
The chairman of Cotrijal, Nei César Manica, emphasized that the cooperative and the industry have always kept a good relationship. "We have been together since the beginning of BSBIOS, because we believe in the potential of the industry, and today, we are here to grow together. In the 14 towns where we are present we will continue this partnership. Canola is a viable crop which has brought good return for cooperatives," Manica highlighted.
More than 60 people in the meeting could also attend the lecture on Canola growth uttered by the coordinator of the Improvement Department of BSBIOS, agronomist Fábio Júnior Benin. "Cotrijal is one of our partners which shows the best results in canola growth, because of its work with the technical assistance of professionals," emphasized Benin. The agronomist highlighted the importance of good fertilization to obtain return from this crop.
BSBIOS, in 2011, improved approximately 25 thousand hectares in the three states of the south and the expectation for this year is to grow 30% the area planted with Canola. According to the agro-climatic zoning in Rio Grande do Sul, the period indicated for planting begins on April 11th and lasts until June 30th. After the reception, the industrial unit was visited, where the process of vegetable oil extraction and the product of biodiesel were presented. A conference dinner was offered to close the encounter.