

BSBIOS and Sicredi renovated the agreement of stimulus to Canola production

On Wednesday (03/16), at the stand of BSBIOS, at Expodireto, in Não-Me-Toque/RS, an agreement between BSBIOS and the cooperative Sicredi was signed. Its objective is to renovate the partnership to encourage Canola production which energetic purpose is to meet the national program of biodiesel production - PNPB. The document was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the Chairman of Sicredi Planalto Médio Ari Rosso, the Regional Director of Sureg Rota do Mercosul Vildomar Pazinatto and by the Secretary of Economic Development and of Passo Fundo Marcos Cittolin.

The agreement aims at making financing of Canola production areas feasible before the commitment of the company in developing a consistent, dynamic, efficient, safe and responsible in all senses, making possible to meet the demands created in the field in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. To the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, it is an honor to renovate the partnership. "This agreement reinforces the confidence we have in the Cooperative as well as they do in the in industry of biodiesel. Guaranteeing costing to producers so that crops are very well implemented is very important to obtain good results" he asserted.

The Chairman of Sicredi Planalto Médio Ari Rosso emphasized the importance of the agreement. "Relationship is one of the main principles we have and this partnership is one of the ways of approaching. Another concern of the Cooperative is the production diversification, we invested in Agrotecnoleite we have trust in canola for the third consecutive year, thus it is a great option to occupy the areas which are fallow lands in the winter," Rosso asserted.

The Secretary of Economic Development of Passo Fundo, Marcos Cittolin, strressed the growth of the company. "BSBIOS, as well as Sicredi, has its headquarter in Passo Fundo only, thus its action is regional, and it moves a great economy" Cittolin said.