

BSBIOS and the Esporte Clube Passo Fundo renew partnership

BSBIOS will sponsor shirt 10 and sleeves of the shirts

This Wednesday morning (07), in the surroundings of BSBIOS, the partnership contract renewal with Esporte Clube Passo Fundo was signed. This is the third year the passo-fundense industry supports the professional soccer and the base categories of the club.

To the CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the renewal shows the commitment the company has towards the community and the club. "We support soccer of Passo Fundo because we aim at seeing the team representing the city in the first division of the gaúcho championship, bringing in games even more important to the Vermelhão da Serra Stadium," he said. "We still see soccer as an alternative, not only leisure to the community, but also formation, thus with sport we can provide to our young people an opportunity of education in such a wise and healthier manner," concluded the businessman.

The Chairman of Club Selvino Ferrão gave thanks to the partnership. "We feel proud of having BSBIOS in our shirts, thus the company represents very well our city in the national scenario" emphasized the chairman.

In 2012, BSBIOS will be printed on all shirt sleeves and on shirt 10 of the professional tam and base categories of the Esporte Clube Passo Fundo.