BSBIOS, Banco do Brasil and Cotrijal renovate partnershiop to encourage the production of Canola

On Thursday (03/17), at the stand of Banco do Brasil, at Expodireto Cotrija 2011, in Não-Me-Toque/RS, the signature to renovate the agreement between BSBIOS, Banco do Brasil and Cotrijal was achieved. The purpose of the agreement is to make financings to Canola production feasible. The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the Chairman of Cotrijal Nei Cezar Manica, the Vice-President of Cotrijal Jairo Marcos Kohlrausch, the Corporate Director of Banco do Brasil of São Paulo Ives Cesar Fulber and the General Manager of the Banco do Brasil Corporate of Porto Alegre Pedro Roberto Brentano signed the document. The term of cooperation aims at making easier to farmers the access to financing lines for Canola production. To the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella the initiative aims at providing more security to producers. "If farmers opt for financing they will have insurance and, if necessary, they can access PROAGRO and PROAGRO," Battistella asserted.

The Chairman of Cotrijal Nei Cezar Manica spoke about the creation of the Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Canola (ABRASCANOLA). "From December 2010m the productive chain started to count on an association that attend the producers' interests, which is an important contribution to encourage this crop as an alternative of production diversification. "Canola has gained space each year", Manica emphasized.

The Director of the Corporate of Banco do Brasil of São Paulo Ives Cesar Fulber reaffirmed the commitment with the Brazilian agrobusiness. "The bank continues to support producers, and this support increased in comparison with last year. For the fair a value of R$ 300 million was reserved in order to make the access of financing lines feasible to producers. We will certainly here next year providing more support," Fulber asserted.