BSBIOS begins to receive grains in Cruzaltinha

This month, the new unit of grains reception of BSBIOS began to work. Besides the site established in Passo Fundo, the company now has another alternative for the rural producer, with the unit of Cruzaltinha in partnership with Comercial Agrícola Bonna.

In the local, the unit has a capability of 18.000 ton for the reception of soybean and canola grains, aming at the production of biodiesel. According to the sales coordinator of BSBIOS, Luiz Fernando Borba Jr., it was necessary to increase the volume of soybean and canola reception, "with the construction of our own grain crusher, which will operate this year, the necessary quantity of vegetable oil crops will be even greater, since it is one of the largest in the state", he said. According to Borba, with that, BSBIOS also enlarges the options for producers from that region, providing greater logistics and commercial conditions.

Producers can already visit the unit that is installed on BR-285, Km 248, in Cruzaltinha/RS and commercialize grains with the representative Tiago Oliveira, responsible for the unit. For more information, you may contact telephone (54) 3344-0101.