

BSBIOS completes 15 years of history

Company launches the Sustainability Report 2019 presenting its social, economic, environmental and governance and ethics actions

For the purpose of producing biodiesel, clean and renewable energy, BSBIOS turns 15 years this Wednesday, April 15. The company, that was born in 2005, at the same time that the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB) was created, underwent several advances and expansions. Currently, the company employs 445 employees and earned R$ 3.3 billion in 2019.

The industry has two biodiesel units, strategically located in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul and Marialva, Paraná. In 2019, more than 600 million liters of biodiesel were produced, contributing 10.28% of Brazil's total volume. Currently, with the completion of the expansion of industrial units in 2020, BSBIOS has an annual production capacity of 828 million liters of Biodiesel. In 2007, when it began production, the installed capacity was 127 million.

The president of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, thanks the work of all employees, suppliers and partners who helped build the company's history. "Seeing BSBIOS turn 15 years, passes a movie in my head, it's not easy to describe, but many were the moments when together we had to overcome adversities, increase jobs and face challenges," he points out, noting that he did not imagine that BSBIOS would be as big as it is today.

The entrepreneur also points out that all this was only possible due to the commitment of all. "I thank the people who have helped us and ended their cycle in the company and to this wonderful team that we have today, which makes a difference. I have no doubt that BSBIOS is the portrait of all the people who are here," says Battistella.

One of the practices developed by the company, to give transparency to its activities, is the publication of its Sustainability Report. The 2019 edition, which is being launched on the anniversary date, presents the practices exercised in the social, economic, environmental and governance and ethics dimensions. This document also highlights three important studies: the greenhouse gas inventory; the carbon value report and the economic impact of BSBIOS in the municipalities in which the company operates.

The Foundation Institute for Economic Research (FIPE) is responsible for data consulting, which follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). According to the economic impact study, in 2017, BSBIOS accounted for 22.6% of Passo Fundo's PIB and 34.7% of Marialva's PIB. Furthermore, it is estimated that the sum of R$754 million of taxes was generated due to BSBIOS' activity in the city of Rio De Sul and R$399 million in the municipality of Paraná.

The BSBIOS 2019 Sustainability Report is available on the company's website: