

BSBIOS formalizes agreements for encouraging Canola growth at Expodireto

Technical Assistance and financing for the crop are guaranteed for crop 2012.


This Wednesday (07), two agreements, which aim is to strengthen canola growth, were firmed. The first signature occurred during breakfast for the press, promoted by Emater, at the Rural Family House, at park Expodireto. With this action the term of technical cooperation, between BSBIOS and Emater/ASCAR-RS, which purpose is to improve canola in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, was renewed. Through this document, partnership for technical assistance to rural producers is established.

The CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, highlighted the role and the boundaries of Emater areas. "To us it is very important to count on this partnership, Emater is present in the cities and helps us, and our objective is to increase areas grown with quality," spoke the businessman.

Battistella still emphasized the commitment with family agriculture. "We acquire raw material from more than 11 thousand farmer families. This explains the renovation of our agreement with Emater, we want to continue improving canola production", he observes. The company has the commitment of acquiring 30% of all raw materials from small producers. BSBIOS and Petrobras Biofuel are sponsors of the Rural Family Space and the Family Agro-industry Pavilion. To the president of Emater/RS and sceo of Ascar, Lino De David, the signature of the agreements "represents opportunities for the participation qualification of Emater in the fair, and it demonstrates the concern to train gaucho farmers, placing family agriculture in the level it deserves".

During the afternoon, the agreement between BSBIOS and Sicredi was also renewed. The objective of the term is to favor farmers who desire to obtain financing for canola crop. To the CEO of BSBIOS, this support is very important. "BSBIOS improves canola through several initiatives, and this is another benefit that we provide which is to finance crops, through financing institutions. Therefore, the company hás the commitment of purchasing all improved crop of canola," said Battistella.

The president of Sicredi Planalto Médio, Ari Rosso, emphasized canola as a profitable alternative crop for farmers. "Canola is a crop that adapted well in our region, great as crop rotation and the guarantee that in the winter we have income for our producers. Sicredi is partnership of BSBIOS in this initiative," emphasized Rosso. Credits for this crop are already available in the units of the cooperative.

Commercialization Policy of Canola

During Expodireto 2012, farmers who negotiated canola areas with BSBIOS will have guarantee to acquire 14 sacks for R$ 47,00 (fourty seven reals) and the exceeding price of the counter. Family agriculture still gains a bonus of R$ 1,00 (one real) more per sack.