BSBIOS gathers rural producers in breakfast

On Saturday morning (26), BSBIOS in partnership with Produtécnica received around 50 people, that is, rural producers and technicians during a breakfast. The objective was to strengthen ties and present the industrial complex of BSBIOS.

At the breakfast, the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella and the owner of Produtécnica Luiz Carlos Carvalho welcome people. For Battistella, moments like that are important. "It is important to approach our partners". We believe that this way we can better understand the needs of our customers and they might know where the grains, which leave from crops are going," he stressed.

The activity, in a relaxing ambient, made easier to farmers to verify in loco the industrial park, that counts on a unit of Vegetable Oil Extraction, two grain warehouses with total capacity for 120 thousand tons, a warehouse to storage 66 thousand tons of Soybean meals, production unit of biodiesel with capacity of 160 million liters of biodiesel/year.

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