

BSBIOS gathers rural producers in Carazinho to improve canola

On Friday afternoon (11), the team of BSBIOS in partnership with Lavoro concessionaire John Deere and Nutriagro revendedor autorizado Syngenta met with rural producers at Farm Aldebaran, on BR-285, in Carazinho/RS for the Technological Encounter on Canola. The activity aimed at demystifying and demonstrating the process of sowing the crop.

To the coordinator of the Improvement Department of BSBIOS, agronomist Fábio Junior Benin, the accomplishment of these moments is important. "We want to approach the farmers even more by showing that the industry is a partner in field activities and it offers conditions which are necessary for canola growth," emphasized Benin.

Farmer Leonardo Audino Silva, from Chapada/RS, who is planting canola for the first time, showed quite interested in learning a little more on this crop. "I am opting for diversification and gain of income in the winter, I planted 50 ha, and as I had the technical assistance offered by BSBIOS, I did not have difficulties, it was easy since the seed is very small," spoke Silva.

During the activity, which gathered approximately 30 producers, canola sowing, fertilization and handling techniques were demonstrated. There was a relax moment at the end of the encounter when a soccer game among the participants happened.