BSBIOS grows 177 positions in the ranking of Value 1000

Company reaches position 519º

For the third consecutive year, BSBIOS appears in the ranking of the thousand greater companies in Brazil of the Anuário Valor 1000, which is a publication of Journal Valor Econômico de São Paulo (SP). In the edition of this year, the company appears in position 519, that is, it had a rise of 177 positions in relation with the last publication, when it was in position 696.

To the Chairman of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the numbers reflect the growth of this young company. "BSBIOS feels honored in advancing one more time in the ranking of the Valor, we are pursuing growth. Next year, with the consolidation of the numbers of the recent partnership with Petrobras Biofuel, we must grow even more" asserted Battistella. BSBIOS, in 2010, presented an invoicing of R$ 570,9 million.

Anuário Valor 1000 is in the 11th edition and shows the ranking of the thousand largest companies, through the balance accomplished. The criteria used have the endorsement of the Management School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation Companies of São Paulo and Serasa Experian.