BSBIOS is honored for supporting Environmental Education

Educational games and manuals were distributed in municipal schools


In order to honor the companies which contributed to the National Program of Environmental Awareness, plates were delivered on Friday (23), in the City Hall office of Passo Fundo (RS). The Program aimed at promoting environmental education and citizenship awareness, through the distribution of educational games and manuals to the municipal schools of Passo Fundo.

The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasizes that he feels glad for supporting the public power in the accomplishment towards an educative action. "Actions like this one, which are focused and well-elaborated, bring great effect to society and new generations. Today, we have adopted some practices that we considered as extremely normal. In the future, we will look back and ask us how we did that to the environment." Battistella still proposed to the City Hall and to the representatives of public transportation a reflection based on a positive action that will be implemented in São Paulo. "The paulistas proposed a resolution which prohibits transportation to use fossil fuels from 2018. "This leads us to think that Passo Fundo may also engage in this public transportation chain by running renewable energy-based," challenged the businessman.

The Mayor of Passo Fundo, Airton Dipp, thanked the companies which have contributed to it. "Environment preservation is the greatest project of sustainable development the world must have and, this would not be different in Passo Fundo. Environment means life, and life preservation is our greatest goal. This is a simple honor, thus we verify that these educational initiatives bring the best results," emphasized Dipp.

The Secretary of Environment, Clóvis Alves, highlighted the content of the Manuals. "Children have a diversity of content with this manual, thus its information was collected from entities linked with the environment. They will learn about the history of the name of Passo Fundo, selective collection, afforestation, animal protection and wildlife, noise pollution, water care, among others. We thanked the companies that contributed with the accomplishment of this manual, demonstrating its socio-environmental responsibility" he said.

Nearly 25.000 units were achieved, among manuals and educational games, which were distributed by the Municipal Secretry of Education.