

BSBIOS is recertified in Efficient Biofuel Production

Certification renewal process was conducted by the certification body Green Domus Sustainable Development


On August 11, BSBIOS, a unit of Passo Fundo, received the new Certificate of Efficient Biofuel Production, from the raw material of animal fat, approved by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). This certification allows the biofuel producer or importer, duly authorized by the ANP as a primary issuer, to participate in the Decarbonization Credit (CBIO) market in a quantity proportional to what is produced or imported and marketed.

The Certificate comes from the National Biofuels Policy (RenovaBio), instituted by Law No. 13,576/2017, which has as its main instrument the establishment of annual national decarbonization targets in the fuel sector, encouraging the increase of production and participation of biofuels in the Brazilian energy matrix.

This is the second time BSBIOS has received the certificate. The first occurred in November 2019, being at the time one of the first biodiesel plants to be certified by RenovaBio. At the time, the energy efficiency score was 81.30gCOeq/MJ and an eligible volume of 20.72%. This year, the energy efficiency score became 81.24gCO2eq/MJ,  with an eligible volume of 27.04%. The  growth of this volume is due to the increase in the consumption of animal fat in the industrial unit. The Certificate of Efficient Production of Biofuels is valid for three years.

The Marialva plant in Paraná is also certified, with an energy efficiency score of 81gCO2eq/MJ and an eligible volume of 39.59%. This year, only the Passo Fundo unit was in the process of being recertified,  since the certificate dthe  Marialva unit is valid until December 2022.

  BSBIOS sustainability manager Ana Cristina Curia explains that the increase in eligible volume is related to production chains, so that they are efficient in terms of the use of natural resources, that is, it is not enough to look only at the final product, since the impact is not only on the production of a company, but throughout the chain. "We have to work there with the producer so that he has this science of consuming less pesticides, for example. Generating less waste, the impact is less and less greenhouse gas is produced. The same happens in our production:  if there is the reuse of a biomass, menor emission will be generated. If this biomass were not reused, it would go to a landfill, causing methane gas and worsening the weather condition. So when there is reuse, less new raw material is used, contributing to the planet", he points out.

For BSBIOS Commercial Director Leandro Luiz Zat, the certification reaches the entire production chain and reaffirms its commitment to the environment. "Producing a quality product, with sustainable guarantee, involves all parties, it isnot only a step of the process that will ensure this, it isa production system that starts long before the raw material arrives in the company and does not end with the completion of the product. Therefore, the results portray and instigate the entire production chain to continue working, committed with environmental preservation", says Zat.

Ana also points out that the certification is a reflection of what is worked in the company, combined with the purposes, such as becoming carbon neutral by 2030. "BSBIOS works focused on this, our product today is for the sake of decarbonization. When it comes to contributing to sustainable development, being among the world's three largest producers of biofuels, these issues are related to climate and certifications are a natural consequence, because we already have a management focused on this purpose. And this is a way to continue working efficiently and effectively, because it is a job that improves the quality of life not only of future generations, but of the current one as well", says the sustainability manager.