

BSBIOS is recognized for contributing with the development of Passo Fundo

Industry received prize Mérito Empreendedor promoted by ACISA.

Last Friday (03), at Clube Comercial de Passo Fundo (RS), during celebration when the new board of directors of the Commercial, Industrial Association of Services and Livestock of Passo Fundo - ACISA took office, the industry of biodiesel BSBIOS received trophy Mérito Empreendedor because of its important position among the companies that contribute with the economy and development of Passo Fundo.

The selection criterion of the research are the data pointed by the Value added of the Town, which refers to the value of goods produced at the local and which costs are deduced from inputs and taxes.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, asserted that the company is so proud for contributing with Passo Fundo. "The year when the town is 155 years old it is an honor to receive this prize, we will continue working to collaborate even more with the growth of Passo Fundo," spoke the businessman.

"We are a young company which was welcomed by a thriving town. Our performance exists because of our collaborators and directors' commitment" emphasized Battistella.

During the event, the new board of directors of ACISA took office, when Marco Antônio da Silva is the new president. Collaborators of BSBIOS are also included in the board of directors of the entity in the industry area, to wit: Erasmo Carlos Battistella, chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Antônio Roso, vice-president of the Management Council and Mário Wagner, Management advisor.

Passo Fundo is 155 years old today

BSBIOS is proud of being born in Passo Fundo!

BSBIOS was founded on 15 of April, 2005, to produce biodiesel. It owns a modern plant strategically located in Passo Fundo/RS, near the production of soybean and canola, its main sources of raw material. Its capacity installed currently in the plant is more than 160 million liters of biodiesel per year.