

BSBIOS is the official supplier of biodiesel to hybrid bus in Curitiba

Official launching of bus that pollute less occurred during Rio+20

Cleaner air, with fewer pollutants and less noise emission boomed the adoption of innovative technologies to urban transportation. BSBIOS, a biodiesel industry, was a partner of the City Hall of Curitiba (PR), the Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil (APROBIO), Marcopolo and Volvo launching today (14) at the Conference of the United Nations for Sustainable Development - Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro city, the Hibribus, a biodiesel and electric energy-based-bus . At the stand of the City Hall of Curitiba, which is 256 m², the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, defended that the example of Paraná's capital reaches all cities sedes of the World Soccer Cup into two years, and also Rio, with the Olympic Games of 2016. "But we do not have to wait for this happen to adopt biodiesel", Battistella said, referring to the carioca case.

The businessman complimented the municipality of Curitiba because it is the pioneer of public collective transportation innovation one more time - the city has kept Linha Verde with exclusive supply of biodiesel by BSBIOS since 2009 -, and he asserted that "biodiesel is one of the main vectors for the introduction of the green economy as a concept of economic growth, thus, as the focus of sustainable development, it was adopted at Rio 92, 20 years ago".

The mayor of Curitiba, Luciano Ducci, emphasized the need for encouragement from the federal government to the use of biodiesel in the capitals. By remembering that he is a doctor, Ducci said he knows the benefits that less pollutant gas emissions brings for health. "These are words of a doctor," he concluded.

Federal representative, Jerônimo Goërgen (PP-RS), president of the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel was present at the launching of the Hibribus. He highlighted how important it is that the government sends to the National Congress the proposal of the new regulatory mark, which will guarantee the continuation of investments in the whole productive chain. Produced by Volvo with vehicle's body Marcopolo, the Hibribus starts to run in the second semester of the year in the circuit collective transportation, in the entire city, in the routes from one district to another. Its development consumed investments of US$ 20 million. The municipal public power of Curitiba will invest R$ 26 million in the purchase of 60 vehicles of the same model.

Since 2009, the city keeps Linha Verde, a path of urban collective transportation with 32 articulated buses that run by using 100% of biodiesel. The route has been enlarged so that until the end of the year there are more than 80 vehicles running this way. Today, Linha Verde transports 22 thousand passengers per day, saving time, that is, 20 minutes during the travel, and it reduces 80% the emission of pollutant gases. In São Paulo, a bus line, Frota Verde, already runs with 20% of biodiesel mixture in diesel. The City Hall of the city has already signed into law the extension of the measure to all buses of the capital in 2018. Porto Alegre and Passo Fundo (RS) have already begun studies to adapt their municipal fleet.



The biodiesel mixed at a proportion of 5% per liter of diesel sold in the country emits 57% less pollutant gases than fuel and it does not contain sulfur. The benefits to the environment, to human health and to public health policies are proved through study of Getúlio Vargas Foundation. With 10% of mixture, as expected for 2020, the emission of carbon dioxide will reduce 8%. With 20% mixed it will fall 12%. With the current 5% mixed in diesel, the biodiesel contributed to reduce 12.945 thousand the number of hospitalizations because of respiratory problems. With 10% mixed, this reduction may reach 34.520 thousand. And, with 20%, it will have 77.672 thousand less hospitalizations. Nowadays, with 5% of biodiesel in diesel, 1.838 thousand lives are saved. With 10%, this number may reach 4.902 thousand. And, when we reach 20%, Brazil might save 11.029 thousand lives.

Since 2005, the productive sector has already invested R$ 4 billion in one industrial park with more than 60 plants, which generates 1.3 billion of jobs and benefits 103 thousand families of small farmers that provide raw material for industrial processing. According to the Ministry of Rural Development, R$ 1,4 billion was transferred to the farmer last year only, value which is superior to the rural reform budget in 2011.



The chief executive officer of BSBIOS is also one of the special guests of the Brazilian government for the "Debates for Sustainable Development", a block of panels of debates. It will take occur from16 to 19. The objective of the initiative is to promote the engagement of several actors from the civil society. He was called to contribute and report his experience at the debate on "sustainable energy for everybody" that will happen on 18 of June, on Monday, at 11:00 am, at RioCentro. The idea is that the results of the debates are an instrument to present visions and recommendations to the chiefs of state and other government representatives at the conference in the last two days of the event.