

BSBIOS makes agreement with partners in order to develop Canola growth

During EXPODIRETO 2009, held at the Park of Exhibitions COTRIJAL, in Não-Me-Toque, BSBIOS was present with a stand and an area with demonstrations of crop plots like soybean and canola, which are crops used for the production of biodiesel.

Visitors could know the process of biodiesel production and the development work of the industry with rural producers, aiming at encouraging planting of alternative crops, including canola and sunflower.

During EXPODIRETO, BSBIOS made new agreements of cooperation with financing institutions, aiming at offering resources to farmers for planting canola, the "winter soybean", according operations director Erasmo Carlos Battistella states. BSBIOS together with COTRIJAL will offer technical assistance and purchase guarantee of production to producers interested in investing in this alternative crop.

Agreements were made with Banco do Brasil, Banrisul and Sicredi. According to Erasmo Battistella, because of the agreement made with these financing institutions producers will have access to lines of credit. At each year, according to him, canola has expanded with significant area in 2008 and with prospect of higher growth this year. "Our participation in EXPODIRETO was focused in developing this crop, guaranteeing technical assistance, purchase and financing, with pre-defined price and still with agroclimatic zoning advantages. There is no resource limitation for financing; everything depends on the producer's hiring capacity. The chairman of Cotrijal, Nei Mânica, honored the agreement saying that the cooperative is participating in this process together with farmers of his area.