BSBIOS makes an agreement with Paraná Government

On Tuesday morning, 06/09, BSBIOS of Passo Fundo made an agreement on tax incentives with Paraná government. The deal occurred during the fulfillment of the Programa Escola de Governo, in Curitiba, and counted on the presence of Governor Roberto Requião and other authorities, among them the mayor of Marialva, Edgar Silvestre. The company was represented by the president of the Management Council Antonio Roso and the chief executive officer Erasmo Battistella. Yet, vice-governor Orlando Pessuti and Finance secretary Heron Arzua were present.

The installation project of the biodiesel plant in the town of Marialva was presented by the chief executive officer Erasmo Carlos Battistella. Besides biodiesel, refined oil and glycerin will be produced. The investment will be 78 million real and the industry might create nearly 120 direct jobs and 3 thousand indirect jobs. The company will participate in the Bom Emprego program, of Paraná government, that guarantees extension in the ICMS payment to decentralize investments and create jobs in regions of low Index of Human Development (IHD).

The plant of processing biodiesel in Marialva (North of Parana) belonged to the multinational Agrenco and began to be controlled by BSBIOS. Its production was scheduled to begin in April 2008. The construction was almost finished, but its operation delayed and ended up being canceled after the multinational judicial recuperation in August last year.

Erasmo Battistella says that only with tax incentives from Paraná it will be possible to finish the works in the plant and commence operations.

According to Battistella, the full production capacity must be accomplished in 2013, when the plant will be able to supply all paranaense market, besides making sales to São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina possible. "Our focus is to lead the national sector and become the first ones in Brazil to export biodiesel to the world", he emphasized.

According to him, all raw material used by the plant will be purchased from rural producers of Paraná. At least 30% of this total will come from family agriculture. "It is a commitment accepted when joining the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel, necessary to obtain the Social Fuel Stamp", he informed.

"The project resumption cheered the city", asserts the secretary of Indústria e Comércio of Marialva, Luiz Carlos Stefano. According to him, the expectation is that the activity of the plant develops the economy of the town and all region.

With the acquisition of the paranaense unit, BSBIOS must increase its production capacity from the current 159 million liters of biodiesel per year to something around 320 million liters, using raw material like soybean, canola, sunflower and castor bean.