

BSBIOS participates in panel on regional development

In order to highlight the potentialities of the region and indicate the main problems that affect the regional development growth, Journal O Nacional, Conselho Regional de Desenvolvimento da Produção - Corede and the Associação dos Municípios do Planalto - Ampla promote the 1st Painel de Desenvolvimento e Consolidação da Região da Produção. The activity happens next December 7th, on Monday, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm, at the auditorium of the Law College, Campus I, of the Passo Fundo University - UPF.

At the meeting, important sectors for the regional development will be discussed: milk production, grains, chicken, biofuels, metal mechanic, reforesting and logistics. The promoters intend to bring to Passo Fundo political, social and economic leaderships of the region in order to build a regional development program in the 23 towns which integrate the Corede Produção. A document will be created in the end of the meeting containing the main information discussed. The roundtable will have the presence of seven participants: The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the director-president of Metasa, Antônio Roso, the president of ABEF - Associação Brasileira dos Exportadores de Frango, Francisco Turra, the president of Petrobras Biofuel, Miguel Rossetto, director-president of Bom Gosto, Wilson Zanatta, regional manager of Emater, Oriberto Adami, and the general-chief of Embrapa Trigo, Gilberto Cunha. The mediator of the panel will be the agronomist, president of the Development Council and member of Corede Produção, Elmar Floss.

City Halls, businessmen, politicians, farmers and all interested in helping in the regional development are invited. Enrollments for the event can be made through e-mail