

BSBIOS promotes free course on canola in Paraná

Event promoted by company of biodiesel aims at training producers and professionals to deal with winter crop

After hosting Coopavel Rural Show, Cascavel will receive the IIIrd State Course of Technical Training for Canola Crop on 13 and 14 of February, promoted by BSBIOS. According to the Operations director of BSBIOS Marialva, Carlos Antônio Borsolan Gaspar, the objective of the course is to train rural producers and update agronomists, professionals and students on canola growth. "We wish canola is increasingly spread and also, by means of this event, to present relevant data and information that may help canola producers and professionals of this sector."

The themes of the course vary from climate and market perspectives for the crop, to more technical subjects, like planting and harvesting technologies, production costs and rural insurance. Researchers and experts of the area, like the researcher of Embrapa Trigo Dr. Phd. Gilberto Omar Tomm, who will speak on Day 14 about Handling and Success Factors for canola growth will be present, among other lecturers. This is the third consecutive year that BSBIOS Marialva promotes this course. This time, the new is the venue. "We chose Cascavel because it is a canola producer region and, this way, we can approach the famers", asserts the Coordinator of Improvement Sector of BSBIOS Marialva, Josiene Carraro.

Subscription for the course is free and it may be achieved by e-mail or in person at the venue of the event.