

BSBIOS provides leisure time to its collaborators during the Labor Day celebration

On Friday (27), the collaborators of BSBIOS, in Passo Fundo (RS), participated in special activities of the Labor Day. The restaurant of the company was crowded during a special meal, where there was a presentation of play "A missão: o show", food tickets were delivered and giveaway raffles were achieved in partnership with Farmácias São João.

The objective of the activity was to recognize the work developed by the company collaborators. The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasized their importance. "We wish to be here next year celebrating one year more of activities, since it is because of their efforts, dedication and commitment that we can celebrate this date," he said.

Presentation "A missão: o show" is performed by actors Lázaro Menezes and Maycon Marcondes. "The play was chosen because it deals with humor current values of the society that are important in our daily life as the union of the team, love, friendship, confidence and the search for realizing our dreams. The purpose was to recognize what is more important in the company, that is, people," emphasized the coordinator of People Management, Gabriela Daronco Simões.

To collaborator Fábio Nascimento, it was a different activity. "We realized that the collaborators have an important meaning to the company, I felt even more important, the play passed messages that made our work great," spoke the tax financial analyst.

According to Michele Farias, it was a fantastic gift. "The Labor Day's celebration was great, I enjoyed a lot with the play," said the analyst of supplies. "I haven't had so much fun for a long time, it is very creative," reported collaborator Gabriel Klein.