BSBIOS signs agreement with Emater of Paraná

Partnership will allow providing assistance for more than 7 thousand farmer families.

BSBIOS was present on Tuesday (09/03), at the auditorium of the Museum Oscar Niemeyer, in Curitiba, at the presentation of the main programs balance developed by the Government of the State in livestock paranaense. The secretary of Agricultura e do Abastecimento do Paraná, Valter Bianchini, emphasized the biodiesel program accomplished in partnership with the Secretaria de Ciência Tecnologia, Iapar, Copel and Tecpar. At the solemnity, an agreement between BSBIOS and Emater/Paraná, which will provide assistance to farmer providers of the plant was signed.

Bianchini highlighted the plant implanted in Marialva by BSBIOS in partnership with Petrobras Biofuels, which goal is to produce 120 million liters biodiesel, benefiting, directly, 7 thousand families of farmers that provide raw material for the plant.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, asserted the importance of this agreement that will meet the objective of the company which is to increasingly develop the production of vegetable oil crops of farmer agriculture, essential raw material for the production of biodiesel. "The plant of Marialva begins to work in April, and in the second semester we hope to supply biodiesel, not only to Paraná, but to other states as well", stated Battistella.

The secretary Valter Bianchini said that Iapar is achieving studies for the utilization of other vegetable oil crops, like canola and, this way, obtaining more options of raw material. Technicians of BSBIOS also act in the State, installed in Marialva, to direct rural producers and encouraging familiar agriculture on the production of alternative crops.