

BSBIOS Stand offers special activity for children

Game teaches social, economic and environmental benefits of biodiesel production

This year, children who visit the stand of BSBIOS at Expodireto will find educational attractions. The objective is to make future generations aware, in a playful manner, about the benefits of biodiesel.

The Bio Game, as the attraction is called, is a table game of great dimension, where each child is a "peon" of the play. By throwing a die, they approach the houses finding particularities and advantages of biodiesel production. The CEO of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, highlights the importance of the activity. "We believe that new generations must learn, since they are children, on how important is to preserve the environment. And, biodiesel is included in this context, it is a renewable fuel, in use already, and that does not damage the nature," he observed.

Battistella emphasizes that the acceptance has been excellent by children. Hundreds of them visit our stand every day. "They acquire here knowledge by playing, having fun and interacting with the themes they learn easily. They can also take a sample of it home," Said the CEO. Children receive a school kit with a pencil case with a pencil, a ruler, an eraser and a pencil sharpener as encouragement.

Families are also welcomed at the venue with the same educational bias, through videos social, economic and environmental benefits involved in biodiesel production are shown. Battistella stated that it is necessary that everybody knows the opportunities biodiesel brings for agriculture and society. "We wish that society is well informed so that it makes its decisions and be aware that everyone has the duty of doing something in order to preserve natural resources," he said.