BSBIOS supports Seminar on implantation of Winter Crops

The II Seminar of Winter Crops occurs next May 5, at the Auditorium of Embrapa Trigo, in Passo Fundo. The event is opened and free for audience and the expectation is to join more than 300 participants.

According to the coordinator of the event and vice-chairman of Sicredi Planalto Médio, Alexandre Palagio, new times and opportunities are about to come. Grains, besides food are being used for biofuels production, and it is important that the producer takes the right decision so that he or she has the best as possible economic result.

The objective of the seminar is to make the debate with experienced professionals in the state about each crop feasible to producers, and help them on the decision as for the moment of the winter crop formation. As regards to commercialization, the director of operation of BSBIOS, Erasmo C. Battistella will be participating. The Seminar is accomplished by Sicredi Planalto Médio with support of BSBIOS, Associação dos Agronômos, Cotrijal, EMATER, Embrapa Trigo, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, UPF and Sindicato Rural.