

BSBIOS through the Chief Executive Officer occupies the vice-presidency of the ACISA industry

The new board of directors that will run the Associação Comercial, Industrial, de Serviços e Agropecuária (ACISA) for the next 2 years was elected yesterday (06-17). There were two slates, namely: slate 2 ran by the businessman Aido Fante was the winner with 102 votes against 49 votes for Gilmar Donato of slate 1. Businessman Dimas Froner will leave the post.

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella is the new vice-president of industry. Yet, the board of directors is comprised of: manager vice-presidents Marco Antonio da Silva, Comércio Ivan Manfroi, Serviços Sérgio Rosseto and Agrobusiness, Jair Dutra Rodrigues.

In this election, the new organogram of Acisa which determines that the management started to have two and not more than one year, without the right for reelection, is in force. Besides the president and vice-manager, the board of directors started to have a vice-president for each one of the four areas of the entity (Commerce, Industry, Service and Agribusiness). Since its foundation, BSBIOS participates in the ACISA's board of directors of industry, through the President of the Managing Council, Antônio Roso and the chief executive officer Erasmo Carlos Battistella. The inauguration is scheduled to August 6th.


ACISA was founded on January 25th 1921, and it is the result of the union between the Associação Comercial, CICASP (Câmara da Indústria, Comércio, Agropecuária e Serviços de Passo Fundo) and the CIRP (Centro das Indústrias da Região do Planalto). Its objective is to congregate all productive segments of Passo Fundo through Associação de Empresários e Produtores; Represent and defend the free initiative interests; Direct associated companies, changing experiences, promoting courses, meetings, technical tours and lectures; And, prepare people with the purpose of reaching the integrated development of the Community.