

BSBIOS is Top Ser Humano

Competing with hundreds of workers in the area of People Management, BSBIOS was honored last night (24), at Grêmio Náutico União, in Porto Alegre (RS), with prize "Top Ser Humano", in category industry, provided by the Brazilian Association of Human Resources, section Rio Grande do Sul (ABRH-RS). The prize identifies, promotes the best practices of People Management and recognizes it as the industry awarded with case "The inclusion of a Career Plan Focused on Competences".

The chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasizes that this is the recognition of a team work and a corporative management. "We verify that our collaborators are proud of working in this company which many other workers wish to work for”. We believe that all collaborators are important, without their work we would not be winners," said the businessman.

"We are a young company, which is seven years old only, and five years production. Nevertheless, its turnover was R$ 1 on October 8th 2012. Our main goal is the care with people that form our team. All our collaborators are being awarded with this prize which differential is the value of a human being", spoke Battistella.

The career plan aims at making collaborators grow, providing recognition because of their dedication before the company’s activities. With a career plan it is possible to define criteria and establish strategies in an Integrated System of People Management, which is denominated "Sinergy". This way, the company offers a consistent and fair tool to provide support to leaderships.

The manager of People Management of BSBIOS, Gabriela Daronco Simões, emphasized that "the plan was developed because the process is dynamic and, also, because of the need for keeping a tool which does not become outdated with the accelerated growth of the organization".