

BSBIOS was the fifth company in Rio Grande do Sul, which increased the most in 2010

Among the 100 largest companies of the State, BSBIOS is in the 52nd position

Last Wednesday (10/05), Magazine Amanhã delivered the "Prize Grandes & Líderes" to the 100 largest companies of Rio Grande do Sul. BSBIOS was highlighted because it is the fifth largest company of the State in relation with income growth, 66.96% increase was registered in 2010. With this result, the passo-fundense industry reached the 40th position among the largest gross income, with total sales of R$ 665,54 million.

In the ranking of the 100 largest companies in Rio Grande do Sul, BSBIOS advanced 12 positions, it is the 52nd, and in the previous edition it occupied position 64th. Among the 500 largest companies in the south of the country its increase was larger; it advanced 31 positions, which position is 125th, in the previous edition it was in the 156th. The classification is obtained through evaluation of audits, for the ranking, it is taken into account the Weighted Average (WA), an exclusive indicator to check the companies' strength - and that matches net patrimony (with pound of 50%), gross income (40%) and profit (10%). The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, states that the classification obtained is the result of the company's actions and its collaborators. "We count on a qualified team that provides us support to continue with the investments. In the next edition, we hope to reach better positions, BSBIOS is the only company in the world to firm joint venture with Petrobras Biofuel, what makes us to grow even more," he stated.

The awarding has happened since 1991, and it is promoted by Magazine Amanhã, specialized in economy and business, and PricewatherhouseCoopers.