

BSBIOS will be a partner of APROSOJA

From August, we will have news on the electronic address of APROSOJA

During a meeting on Wednesday morning (18), at BSBIOS, a partnership between the industry of biodiesel and the Association of Soybean Producers of Rio Grande do Sul - APROSOJA was firmed. The objective of this partnership was to broadcast information regarding grain market, soybean and canola, biodiesel mainly, and on agro-business in general, through the site, SMS and others electronic means of APROSOJA's associates.

The agreement was firmed in the presence of the technical assistant of APROSOJA, Edson Iorczeski, the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, commercial manager Fernando Borba and origination manager, Augustinho Orsolin. Battistella highlighted the importance of the partnership with the entity. "We are committed with APROSOJA. It provides us support to our actions, showing how much we are committed with the causes and interests of our rural producers," spoke Battistella. He still emphasized that with this action it is intended to take information and aggregate services to APROSOJA's associates and, also, partnerships between entities will be accomplished, as it is the case of APROBIO (Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil) and ABRASCANOLA (Brazilian Association of Canola Producers). Assessor Iorczeski emphasized that hundreds of associates search information on the site of the Association and that the agreement signed with BSBIOS will honor him. The partnership begins in August. APROSOJA's site may be accessed through the electronic address , other information on BSBIOS's site