

BSBIOS will broadcast politics of commercialization of Canola at Expodireto

In order to improve the productive chain of biodiesel, BSBIOS will exhibit at Expodireto 2011, which will happen from 14 to 18 of March, in Não-Me-Toque/RS. At the venue, the audience will be able to observe the role of agriculture in the manufacture of biodiesel, the improvement of Canola and the opportunities of soybean for the production of biofuel.

During the fair, the Politics of Canola Commercialization 2011 will be presented. According to the Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella "this is an important moment, thus with this action we provide guarantee of purchase and price to producer that will grow Canola, by contracting production", he said.

During Expodireto agreements with Sicredi, Banrisul and Banco do Brasil will be signed to encourage the production of Canola, and the agreement of technical cooperation with Emater/RS to guarantee growth in the area will also be renovated.

The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS is very optimistic as for harvest 2011. "We expect to increase the area of production this year. In Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina we expect to sow 15 thousand hectares, and 10 thousand hectares more in Paraná and São Paulo, reaching 25 thousand hectares improved by BSBIOS", emphasized Battistella.

At the stand, there will also be a demonstration of technologies for sowing and harvest of Canola, focusing on windrowing, showing equipments and presenting the practice of growth. The audience might still observe the station that presents the process of biodiesel production.