Canola crop is opened in the region

The town of Colorado was the stage of the 1st Abertura Oficial da Cultura da Canola, this Thursday (8), concomitant with the fulfillment of the 1st Dia de Campo da Cultura da Canola. The Secretaria de Pecuária, Pesca e Agronegócio, João Carlos Machado was standing for the Governor of the state, he spoke about the excellence of the grain crop "not just as a new alternative for the winter, that today is wheat, but also as rotation of cultures", he said.

According to the chief executive officer of BSBIOS, Erasmo Battistella, canola has gaining focus in this region, where this harvest 2009 considered the first. The town of Colorado only plants one thousand hectares, from around 10 thousand ha in the region with the grain growth. Rio Grande do Sul concentrates 74% canola production of Brazil, a crop used not only for edible oil production, but, specially, for biodiesel. Segment highlighted by BSBIOS Indústria e Comércio de Biodiesel Sul Brasil, one of the responsible for the event and that has been working on the search for diversification of raw material origin for the production of biodiesel.

More than 500 rural producers participated in the Abertura da Colheita and 1st Dia de Campo da Cultura da Canola happened in the properties of César Vicente Guareschi and Alceu Martinelli, located on Km 01, of RS 402. Four technical stations were assembled with each one approaching a different theme, that is: technological handling of the crop, cost of production and economic feasibility; crop potentiality in the region; technology of hybrids, researches and crop potentialities for biodiesel, and commercialization and handling of cut and windrowing. The field days will also happen in Áurea on October 9th, in Estação on October 14th and in Passo Fundo on October 21st.

On the occasion, the new platform of windrowing manufactured by Produfort, from Colorado, was shown. An outfit engaged to a traditional harvesting machine which cuts the production efficiently, that is, canola, remains on the ground for 8 or 9 days until dry naturally, when a traditional harvesting machine gathers the grain.

The Field day established the beginning of canola harvest in RS and counted on the presence of the representative of the Ministry of Agrarian Development, Roberto Terra and the coordinator of the Agroenergia of the Ministry of Agriculture, Denilson Ferreira, and was promoted by Produfort, BSBIOS, Cotrijal, Embrapa Trigo, Sindicato Rural, with the support of the Prefeitura Municipal de Colorado, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, University of Passo Fundo and Emater.