Encounter debates the future of the Program of Biodiesel in the country

Referrals will be taken to the Federal Government

Leaderships of rural areas, cooperativism, industries, associations, unions, family producers, federal and state bodies, among others will participate in the first South Encounter next Friday (29), in the Auditorium of FARSUL, in the Park of Exhibitions Assis Brasil, in Esteio (RS), during the 34th International Exhibition of Animals, Equipments, Implements and Rural Products (EXPOINTER): Rethinking the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) in Brazil. The objective of the event is to approach the several actors of the productive chain of the debate on the future of the PNPB, moreover, at the end of the activity, a document containing the resolutions of the encounter will be delivered to the Federal Government.

To the President of the Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the activity is a great opportunity to gather efforts in order to advance towards the Regulatory Mark of Biodiesel. "The productive chain needs to be united towards the needs of the sector, we need to strengthen the speech in order to obtain improvements," he stated. Today, the country has conditions to significantly improve the percentage of the increase of Biodiesel to Diesel, "we want to reach at COPE 2014 with 10% of addition. This would be a mark to Brazil and, in 2020 20% more", emphasized Battistella.

The chairman highlights that the use of biodiesel, besides the benefits to the economy, results in environmental reflexes and boosts the agro-business development. "Agriculture, from the largest producer to the family producer, is involved in the process, besides the acquisition of commodities like soybean, of encouraging other non-traditional crops, which is the case of Canola in the South of the country, bring in, among other benefits, alternative of income to producers," emphasized Battistella.

The 1st Encontro Sul: Rethinking PNPB in Brazil happens on August 29th, from noon, at the auditorium of FARSUL, at Park of Exhibitions Assis Brasil, in Esteio (RS). The activity is a promotion of the Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), Federation of Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul State (FARSUL), Secretry of Agriculture, Livestock and Agro-business of Rio Grande do Sul (SEAPA), Federation of Workers in Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG), Federation of Rural Cooperatives of Rio Grande do Sul (FECOAGRO), Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS) and Brazilian Association of Canola Producers (AbrasCanola).