Go BackEvent will happen on September 18th in Colorado (RS)
Event will happen on September 18th in Colorado (RS)
The activity that marks the beginning of canola harvest became tradition, it happens on September 18th, on Tuesday in the town of Colorado. The fourth edition of the field day of the crop will happen together with the event. The objective of this national event is to spread new technologies with respect to canola growth.
In the activity, in technical stands, it will be possible to know the technological news, growth techniques, handling, fertilization, commercialization and property management, as well as physiology characteristics, development and technical assistance. Yet, dynamics with the cut and windrowing and collecting platforms will be performed.
To the coordinator of the Improvement Department of BSBIOS and management vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Canola Producers - ABRASCANOLA, Agronomist, Fábio Júnior Benin, the crop is consolidated in the south of the country. "Canola is an important winter crop, it allows the producer to diversify growth options in his property and have guaranteed profitability, due to its liquidity," emphasized Benin.
The agronomist highlights that the canola crops are at their final stage of their development and grain filling. The harvest handling must begin next week, and the expectations for productivity are good. "We are in a path of constant evolution, where the improvements of handling, search for new hybrids and new technologies with rural pesticides were the most important proposals of work in the harvest of 2012, and this influences the increase of the crop productivity," he emphasized.
This year, the event will happen during Semana Farroupilha, that is why, cultural activities like the nativista singer Luiz Carlos Borges's perform and the artistic invernada of CTG Severo Sampaio de Quadros will also happen. This activity will be held on roadside BR 285, at Km 360, in the town of Colorado (RS). The entrance is free.
The events are a promotion of ABRASCANOLA, BSBIOS, Cotrijal, Embrapa-Trigo, Emater/RS, PRODUFORT, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Colorado and Sindicato Rural de Colorado, with the support of Passo Fundo University (UPF) and Grupo DRS. E, it counts on the sponsorship of BSBIOS, Lavoro Concessionário John Deere, Banrisul, Banco do Brasil, Sicredi, Syngenta and Cotrijal.