

Fast and ecologically correct

The largest bus in the world uses 100% of biofuel and emits 63% less pollutant gases

Besides being fast, it is ecologic. The largest bus in the world, which is 28 meters length and it has capacity for 250 passengers, is in the list of the most environmentally correct buses. Using 100% of biodiesel as fuel (technically called B100), the 26 Ligeirões that run through Curitiba emit less pollutants than the buses which use oil-based fuels. Besides the Ligeirões, six buses more participate in the municipal project that took many years long of study and involve a partnership between the public and private sector. The success of the Project has been so great that the experience is an example for other countries. "The project on the use of B100 is very important, mainly because it proves that it is possible to keep a fleet of buses running regularly, without using mineral oil. There is no news of an initiative like this one has been done in such a manner in other parts of the world", asserts Elcio Karas, manager of Inspection and Registration of the Collective Transportation of Urbs (Urbanization of Curitiba S/A).

Urbs expectation is that until the end of this year the greener capital of Latin America has 100 buses running, and using biofuel only. "It is a long work with successful results. The project started as pilot in August 2009 and today it is a municipal policy of the transportation environmental impact reduction. To the environment it is verified 63% saving pollution, that is, it reduces the emission of particles in the environment, which results in cleaner air, with direct benefit on the population's health", tells Karas.

Nowadays, the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) regulates that each liter of diesel contains 5% of biodiesel mixed in its composition. Associations of the sector have tried to set that this mixture is increased to 20% due to its benefits to the environment. A study of FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas) showed that the mixture of 5% of biodiesel to diesel contributes to reduce in 12.945 the number of hospitalizations because of respiratory problems with 20% of mixture this number would reach 77.672 less hospitalizations.

"Initiatives like the one of Curitiba let us encouraged, thus they are a real prove on how biodiesel improves people's life quality," asserts Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the chairman of BSBIOS and APROBIO (Association of the Producers of Biodiesel of Brazil).

In total, Curitiba consumes 160 thousand liters of biodiesel per month, provided by BSBIOS, a company which belongs 50% to Petrobras, with units in Passo Fundo (RS) and Marialva (PR). The company participates in this project since its implantation in 2009, providing soybean-based biodiesel according to the specification of the National Agency of Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).

Battistella emphasizes that the initiative should be repeated in other capitals, with the implantation of the metropolitan B20, which is a mixture of 20% of biodiesel to mineral diesel oil. "The positive results of Curitiba must be passed to other cities, since there are several benefits to the population and the environment. The industries and the productive chain are prepared to meet this demand," he highlights. With the implantation of B20 we would have a reduction of 12% on CO emissions (carbon monoxide) in the environment, when it is compared with fossil diesel.