Letter of claims from the Biodiesel sector was delivered to the Minister of Agriculture

Document aims at new Regulatory Mark of Biodiesel, which APROBIO names PNPB II


The Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), continuing the actions of the 1st South-Brazilian Encounter Rethinking the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel in Brazil (PNPB) Constructing the PNPB II to Brazil, held on August 29th, in the Auditorium of FARSUL in the Park of Exhibitions Assis Brasil, in Esteio (RS), delivered today (09/01), the letter of Expointer to the Minister of Agriculture and Supply, Mendes Ribeiro, which contains the strategical issues for the increase of the sector.

The Association believes it is important that Brazil has a new Regulatory Mark of the PNPB, denominated PNPB II, aiming at the adequacy of not only the balance between the productive capacity installed in Brazil (rural and industrial) which has a great superavit versus the demand of Biodiesel in Brazil, but that the new Mark may treat all areas related to the PNPB II.

The letter delivered was signed by all entities and bodies which supported the encounter: Secretry of Agriculture, Livestock and Agro-business of RS - SEAPA, Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (FIERGS), Workers Federation in Agriculture (FETAG-RS), Federation of Rural Cooperatives of RS (FECOAGRO), the Brazilian Association of Canola Producers (ABRASCANOLA).

To the Chairman of APROBIO, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, it is extremely important that all demands required are considered by the Government. "These measures will bring benefits to all productive chain, and not only to the industrial area. The areas of family agriculture will be benefited, companies of agro-business, area of rural equipments and implements, financing, among others", asserted Battistella. The objective of the sector is to reach 10% of addition until 2014 and, in 2020 20%, correct tax distortions, create public politics for exportation; achieve the maintenance of the social inclusion, through family agriculture and better logistic issues.

Minister Ribeiro guaranteed that he will analyze the proposal. "We will evaluate the proposals and do what is best for Brazil and the agriculture of the country," said Minister Mendes Ribeiro. The same document will be delivered to President Dilma Roussellf, to the Minister of Mines and Energy, Edison Lobão, to the Minister of the Ministry of Rural Development, Afonso Florence, to Chief of Staff, Minister Gleisi Helena Hoffmann and to the Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Fernando Damata Pimentel.

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