

National Opening of Canola Crop has been scheduled already

Event will happen on September 18th in Colorado (RS)

During a meeting yesterday (23), in Colorado (RS), the organization committee of the National Opening of Canola Crop defined the date of the event that happens for the fourth consecutive time, on September 18, 2012. Yet, there will be the fourth edition of "Dia de campo da cultura". The objective of this activity is to broadcast new technologies with respect to this crop.

To the coordinator of the Development Department of BSBIOS and managing vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Canola Producers - ABRASCANOLA, Agronomist Fábio Júnior Benin, this crop is consolidated in the south region of the country. "Canola is an important winter crop, it allows the producers to diversify growth options, guaranteeing yield, considering the crop's liquidity," asserted Benin.

Through visiting stations, a technological approach on the crop will be achieved, treating since its sowing, fertilization, handling, new harvest technologies, management of the property and commercialization, as well as physiology characteristics, development and technical assistance. Also, there will be cut dynamics, windrowing and collecting. This year, the event will happen during the Farroupilha Week, then, for this reason, some cultural activities like the presentation of native singer Luiz Carlos Borges and the artistic invernada of CTG Severo Sampaio de Quadros have been prepared. The activity will take place on BR 285, at Km 360, in the town of Colorado (RS).