

New biodiesel law shall be fulfilled in the beginning of 2012

The minister of the Civil House, Gleisi Hoffman, had an agreement today (12/08) in a meeting with the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel Defense and the board of directors of APROBIO - Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil, a work schedule so that until February next year, the government has a proposal on the regulatory mark to be directed to the National Congress, after vacation recess.

An interministerial committee worked throughout the year collecting subsidies of all segments of the productive chain and it might submit to the minister a proposition (Provisional Measure or Law Project) which contemplates the future of Biodiesel in the country. According to the National Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel - PNPB, all mineral diesel commercialized in the country has 5% addition of Biodiesel. The expectation about it is to reach 10% of mixture in 2014 and 20% in 2020, as an example of what Europe expects to its countries, besides Argentina and Colombia in Latin America. The chairman of APROBIO, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, reasserted the commitment of the sector in keeping the partnership with the government, including more than 100 thousand families of small farmers in the supply of raw material,

besides implementing technical adjustments to improve the quality of the product. "Quality is fulfilled", he asserted, with relation to the National Agency of Gas Petroleum and Renewable Fuels' (ANP) determinations.

To Battistella, the industry of biodiesel has full conditions to meet the increase of the mixture in fossil diesel, reducing the emissions of pollutant gases and, subsequently, hospitalizations because of breath problems, according to a study of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. "Everything we wish - he said -, are clear rules to continue working and investing". To the businessman, Brazil has a real "Pre Green Salt", which needs to be used and explored by taking into account sustainability and productivity.

Besides, the sector searches for competitiveness to export biodiesel, like many other countries of the continent, contributing to the surplus in the trade balance, and this already happens when internal offer biodiesel reduces the need for mineral diesel import.

The president of the Parliamentary Front, deputy Jerônimo Goergen (PP-RS), stated that the benefits of the Program to the environment and to family agriculture are huge and the Brazilian population can no longer wait to use it. Therefore, the definition of the work schedule that reaches the end of summer with a proposal defined for a greater participation of biodiesel in the Brazilian energetic matrix. The president of APROBIO, senators Valdir Raupp (PMDB-GO), Blairo Maggi (PMDB-MT), deputy Valdir Colatto (PMDB-SC), among other parliamentary and leadership of the sector, together with him, participated in the meeting.