Partnership will allow the enlargement of canola production

The signature of a cooperation term between BSBIOS, Cotrijal and Banco do Brasil, might allow the enlargement of the area for canola planting in the region.

The partnership between BSBIOS and Cotrijal, with financing of resources from Banco do Brasil, through a canola production program developed throughout 2009 which objective is to reach the planting of 4 thousand hectares to be grown in the region where Cotrijal acts.

BSBIOS will purchase all canola production created with compatible price. The company offers development sector with agronomists to help as support for technical assistance of crops in a shared manner with the technical sector of Cotrijal and by the transfer of canola seeds to the cooperative. Cotrijal will work in the elaboration of technical projects for rural cost, through the sales of inputs, technical assistance with producers and yet in services related to reception process, cleaning and drying, when necessary.

Banco do Brasil will analyze proposals for the financing of rural cost projects for canola growth after observing technical aspects in the scope of DRS - Biofuels - which foresee the development of alternative crops for biodiesel. During Expodireto contract between Cotrijal and BSBIOS for canola production purchase from producers joined to the cooperative. For the director of operations of BSBIOS, Erasmo Battistella, this partnership allied to zoning and rural insurance will allow the increase of the area grown of canola for the production of biodiesel, where it is an excellent income option for the producer in the region during winter.