

Perspectives point to an increase of canola area

During the 2º Seminar of Winter Crops, promoted by Sicredi Planalto Médio, specialists present the perspective on area and price for winter crop 2009. The three main winter crops in the region - wheat, barley and canola - shall present variations. Canola are must be enlarged. Perspectives are excellent for canola crop. According to the Director of Operations of BSBios, Erasmo Battistella, the company forecasts plantation of 15 thousand grain in this crop. The number is quite encouraging, since it reaches the goal established by the company for this year. Last year, due to the delay in the crop agriclimatic zoning publishing, it reached 7 thousand from the 10 thousand hectares it was expected to be developed. Battistella explains that canola agroclimatic zoning for 2009, published in February, encouraged producers. Besides, the partnership with bank institutions has made financing more feasible. The company works with purchase guarantee, leading the producer to opt for canola. For winter crop, the expectation on weather conditions is within the normal, with average or even low amount of rainfall. In typical years of La Niña, thus, in general, air pole mass enter easily and, because of that, it might frost, especially in periods when winter crops are in critical stage.