

Petrobras Biofulels acquires 50% from BSBIOS plant

The new company will act in the production of biofuels in the South of Brazil. Petrobras Biofuel and BSBIOS Indústria e Comércio de Biodiesel Sul Brasil announce the constitution of the partnership, with equal participation, to act in the production of biofuels in the South of Brazil. Both companies already run in partnership, the plant of biodiesel in Marialva (PR) and, from now on, they Begin to run in the unit of Passo Fundo (RS) as well.

with the new partnership, the companies begin to share the work of an industrial complex with total productive capacity of 300 million of liters/year of biodiesel. The partnership will enlarge the possibilities of investments in the production of biodiesel and ethanol in the South region.

The gaucha unit has a production capacity of 160 million liters of biodiesel/year and a unit of extraction of vegetable oils. The entrepreneurship, which has been running since 2007, generates 289 direct work positions and more than 800 indirect.

The plant also generates work and income in the field. Around ten thousand family farmers, producers of soybean and canola in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina provide raw material for the production of biodiesel in the unit of Passo Fundo.

The enlargement of the partnership consolidates the leadership of Petrobras Biofuel in the sector and confirms the action of BSBIOS' success, which is one of the largest producers of biodiesel in the South of Brazil, according to the most rigorous patterns of management, quality, security and environment, already recognized by the market.

The companies advance, this way, towards the development of renewable energy in the South region, contributing to the sustainable growing of biofuels production to the supply of the national market.

Today (07/04), at 9:30am, there will be an audience with the Governor of the Rio Grande do Sul State, at Palácio Piratini, in order to discuss the issue. Soon after that, a press conference will be held in the Salão Negrinho do Pastoreio. In Passo Fundo, it will happen at 02:30pm, in the auditorium of BSBIOS.