

Planting of native trees to celebrate the World Environment Day

Collaborators of BSBIOS plant 200 seedlings in green area of the company

This year, the World Environment Day brought "Green Economy: Does it include you?" as the theme in order to challenge, people, communities and institutions of the whole world to commit with at least one activity on June 5th. Hence, at this date, BSBIOS invited its collaborators to plant the seedlings of native trees in the green area of the company.

At total, 200 seedlings of Pitanga, Araçá and Uvaia were planted. They were provided by the Municipal Secretry of Environment of Passo Fundo. To the Manager of Security, Environment, Health and Quality of BSBIOS, Larisse Garibotti, the date is important so that people remember that they have to reflect on their attitudes. "Each small action is an important gesture towards environment preservation. With participative planting today we want to encourage them to actively protect the nature," said Larisse.

The week before the date, the collaborators received, through electronic mean, in order not to use paper, messages on how they could help preserve the nature. They were still informed on the results of the actions achieved by the company, as for instance, the selective collection, waste and material destination, among others.

To end the activities, in the afternoon, the collaborators participated in training on environment legislation, led by environment engineer of Senai, Lara Bierei.