

Positive expectation for soybean producers: crop has developed well in the region

Passo Fundo region is privileged by its territorial extensions and by its technological level. Soybean is the main crop for the summer period and it occupies great part of regional crops and it is present in the most of rural settlements area. Large technological domain, market established with real commercialization guarantees and all research bodies, developments and financing, make this crop a great option for the producer.

According to the agronomist of BSBIOS, Fábio Benin, in this harvest 09/10, the crops have been well developed, "there were not any problems with hybrid deficit in initial stages of the crop, what guarantees a good initial establishment and development. Being at final stage of vegetative cycle and the beginning of reproductive cycle (flowering), crops have demonstrated good productive potentials, which lead to a harvest record in the region and in Brazil, according to analysis of consultancy bodies of the department", he asserted.

According to data from EMATER there was an increase of 0.39% in the Regional Passo Fundo in the area grown, and with the confirmation of productive potentials projected there will be a harvest with good indicators.

For the agronomist Benin another factor that is positive in this harvest is the balance between costs and commercialization of grains "allied to the fact of cost production reduction, mainly in fertilizers costs, soybean crop shows as profitable growth to the producer, guaranteeing him margins for his business", he concluded.

BSBIOS will purchase soybean from producers of the region, assuring them competitive price, seriousness in classification and invoicing, and stability in partnership, with speed in unloading and field support, making producer's work easier at the moment of the harvest. For family farmers who own the Declaração de Aptidão ao Pronaf (DAP), BSBIOS will guarantee bonus of R$1.00/sack of soybean commercialized, increasing the margins of farmers fit in this category, what is a BSBIOS commitment in strengthening and aggregating value to familiar production.