

President of the Management Council of BSBIOS participates in project Debates do Rio Grande

For 2:30, Rádio Gaúcha discussed in Passo Fundo about the future of North region with business men, politicians and representatives of the community. Run by the speaker Lasier Martins, the project Gaúcha Debates do Rio Grande gathered 478 people at the Center of Events Passo Fundo University (UPF).

The future of the regional agribusiness, the importance of local industries and the consolidation of Passo Fundo as the economic pole of the gaúcho country are some of the themes discussed by the participants.

The receiving of some important investments in the region, the strengthening of the service sector (medical-hospital and educational) were also subjects taken into account during the meeting.

The president of the Management Council of Metasa and BSBios, and vice-president of FIERGS Antonio Roso and the director-president of Bom Gosto, Wilson Zanatta participated in the meeting. The president of the Associação Comercial, Industrial, Serviços e de Agronegócio de Passo Fundo (Acisa), Dimas Froner, and the dean of the Passo Fundo University (UPF), Hugo Tourinho Filho made composed the roundtable.

Passo Fundo is the third city which receives the radio project. Novo Hamburgo and Santana do Livramento had already been the stage of debates. The next stop are Pelotas (October), Santa Maria (November) and Caxias do Sul (December).