President of the Representative Chamber States support to the New Regulatory Mark of Biodiesel when


President of the Representative Chamber states support to the New Regulatory Mark of Biodiesel when visiting BSBIOS

Mayor wants to replicate project which uses 100% of biodiesel for public transportation in Passo Fundo.

On this Monday (04/16), the industry of Biodiesel BSBIOS received the visit of the Parliamentary Front of Biodiesel, the Association of Biodiesel Producers of Brazil (APROBIO) and the President of the Federal Chamber of Representatives, Marco Maia and other authorities. The objective was to know the installations of the unit that provides biodiesel to Project Linha Verde, which is developed in Curitiba (PR). The activity also included the celebration on the seventh anniversary of BSBIOS that was founded in 15 of April, 2005.

Project Linha Verde consists in the use of 100% of biodiesel in 32 bi-articulated inter-municipal buses, which drive passengers through the paranaense capital. Among them, it is the Expresso Ligeirão that is the longest bus in the world, that is, it is 28 meters length. BSBIOS is the official supplier of biofuel since the beginning of the project, that is, in 2009.

The chairman of BSBIOS and APROBIO, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, emphasized the results obtained because of the use of biodiesel. "By monitoring the project it could be proved that there was a reduction of 30% in the emission of carbon gas and fall of 25% smoke opacity released into the air. This is very positive, thus it proves that renewable energy brings benefits to the environment, and it may bring many other social and economic advantages to the population's health", said Battistella.

The businessman emphasizes that the action developed by Curitiba should be an example for other cities, mainly for capitals which will host the World Cup games in 2014. Following this thought, the mayor of Passo Fundo, Airton Dipp, said that the town will implant project Linha Verde. "We will begin with a pilot project, where our buses will run with pure biodiesel," asserted Dipp. In São Paulo, a municipal law predicts the use of 20% biodiesel in diesel of vehicles for 2018. It is still in course in the National Congress, a Law project which extends the measure for the whole country. The president of the Chamber of Representatives, Marco Maia, emphasized how important renewable energies are. "We believe that this is the future, we support the advance of the regulatory mark of biodiesel. The Brazilian government realized that biodiesel is the future of the energetic matrix of the country towards renewable energies, and Curitiba is an example for all Brazilian cities", stated Marco Maia.

The visitation, which began in the morning at BSBIOS, extended to Curitiba in the afternoon, where 9 kilometers of Project Linha Verde, which takes more than 20 thousand passengers per day, was run. Next, the authorities and businessmen were welcomed by Mayor Luciano Ducci, for the presentation of the urbanization project of the paranaense capital based on the use of renewable and less pollutant fuel.


On Tuesday (04/17), the company will receive an honor at the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul state for its anniversary. It was suggested by State Representative Diógenes Basegio and it will happen during the achievement of the Grande Expediente, at a ceremony, at 02:00 pm, at Plenário Vinte de Setembro, Palácio Farroupilha, at the Legislative Assembly, in Porto Alegre (RS).