

Public consultation for the new specification of biodiesel is open

The notice of consultation and public audience to the resolution protocol of the new specification of biodiesel was published in the Diário Oficial da União by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP. According to the ANP this protocol is the result of meetings of the agency with representatives of the market, in which the review of biodiesel specifications was discussed from the mapping of fuel production data.

The main changes of the new specification are the reduction of the water content, the inclusion of limits to mono, di and triglycerides, the creation of a regional table for the cold filter plugging point and the inclusion of method for determination of total glycerin characteristic.

The CEO of BSBIOS and chairman of the Biodiesel Producers Association of Brazil (APROBIO), Erasmo Carlos Battistella, believes in the measure of the ANP. Therefore, he emphasizes that it will be necessary to provide a term so that the companies make investments needed to adapt to new rules. Battistella says that water limit allowed in biodiesel, which is 500 parts per million today (PPM), will be a topic of discussion. He informs that the ANP is suggesting a reduction to 200 PPM and the sector proposes 350 PPM. Caution has to be taken as for specification of "plugging point" temperature which is currently 19 degrees centigrade of temperature, the ANP is proposing, according to table presented, the limit of 5 degrees for South region in the winter, and this would make the use of beef tallow not feasible during this period. The proposal of the entity and producers is to make the use of any raw material feasible. Besides these analysis, "the most important is that the ANP supervise all the chain, not plants only, but deliverers and dealers as well", states Battistella.

Those who are interested in it have 30 days to send their suggestions and comments that may change the resolution protocol of the new biodiesel specification. Who wants to manifest verbally during the audience must register in advance. Consultation will happen until February 8th, but the public hearing was marked for February 16th, at 02:00pm.

Source: Biodieselbr and Jornal do Comércio