

Reelected mayor visits BSBIOS

The board of directors and collaborators of BSBIOS receive mayor who was reelected in Passo Fundo, Airton Lângaro Dipp. Accompanied by vice-mayor elected, Rene Ceconello, the mayor said that he was visiting, as far as possible, all locals where he visited during electoral campaign to reassert his commitments with the city.

The mayor highlighted that BSBIOS is an example of industry generator of clean energy that develops its rural production by creating direct and indirect jobs. When producing renewable energy, it contributes with the improvement of the environment quality. "The next four years of our management we will have the commitment of attracting for the city new entrepreneurships which create jobs, social and economic development for the city, having BSBIOS as an example", he said. Dipp and Ceconello had lunch with collaborators, in the restaurant of the industry.