Seminar discussed agroenergy and development

On Monday morning (08), in the auditorium of the Veterinary College of the University of Passo Fundo, some researchers, rural technicians, businessmen and students had a meeting in the Second Seminar of Agroenergy and Rural Development in order to discuss the role and opportunities of the agroenergy platforms for the development of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the inclusion of the low carbon emission in this context.

The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the Chairman of Petrobras Biofuel Miguel Rosseto, the researcher of Embrapa Trigo Anderson Santi and the researcher of Embrapa Sede Luiz Adriano Maia Cordeiro were present in the event. The Chief Executive Officer of BSBIOS Erasmo Carlos Battistella spoke about the perspectives on the market of biodiesel in Brazil.

Created for less than five years, the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel (PNPB) has already brought positive and optimistic results in long term. "Only this year the consumption of biodiesel might reach 2.350 billion liters, where the national production would have capacity to meet a demand of 5.100 billion liters", Battistella asserted. By following the guidelines of the Program, in which the inclusion of alternative crops are, BSBIOS boosts its production of canola. "In 2007, 3.5 thousand hectares of canola were improved by the company. In 2010, this area was increased to 15 thousand. We wish to reach 200 thousand hectares of canola improved", the Chief Executive Officer emphasized. In 2010, the B5 will be in force, that is, the mixture in the proportion of 5% biodiesel in diesel. "We wish that in 2014 this proportion increases to 10% and in 2020 to 20%. After all, biodiesel is the Green pre-salt from the country of Rio Grande do Sul", states Battistella. According to him, a study of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas points that the enlargement might reduce health expenses in Brazil. The Chairman of Petrobrás Biofuel, Miguel Rossetto, emphasized the Brazilian projects developed to improve the use of these types of energy. Brazil is the focus in the use of energy resulting from renewable sources. "Congratulations, because Passo Fundo is a reference pole due to BSBIOS", asserted Rossetto. In Brazil, 44.7% of the energetic matrix may be considered renewable, but worldwide this percentage corresponds to 13.3% only.

Fossil energy resulting from the use of coal, petroleum and natural gas influenced in the excessive increase in the production of carbon dioxide (CO2), then provoking greenhouse gases effect. "Fossil energies remove from the ground the CO2 which is burnt and thrown in the atmosphere. With renewable energies everything is drained from nature itself return to it", highlighted Rosseto. He also mentioned other benefits, "agroenergy creates a new rural market, the oil chemical route and biodiesel improve other chains that aggregate value to agriculture", he emphasized.

The 2nd Agroenergy and Rural Development Seminar was a fulfillment of the Editorial Group O Nacional and Embrapa Trigo, with the sponsorship of Petrobras, the City Hall of Passo Fundo, UPF and BSBIOS. The event counted on the support of Emater/Ascar, Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul, Grupo Creluz and the Ministry of Science and Technology.